Our Objectives-


Trained Mental Health Peer Support First Aiders across campuses and workplaces for Young Adults.




Mental health Peer Support mindset and skills amongst young adults.


Mental health literacy.


Safe spaces for informed conversation on Mental Health.


Help Seeking behaviour for Mental Health needs.


In access to authentic mental health resources and services.


Mental Health Training, Education and Counselling.

Peer Mental health First Aid goes beyond regular mental health or psychological first aid. Life Surfers Peer Mental Health First Aid (PMHFA)  is a 10 hour evidence based training focussed at providing fundamental skills to a lay person, to be a first responder to a peer, experiencing an ongoing mental health issue or a mental health crisis.

We are calling upon Organisations, Mental health Professionals and Individuals that share our passion for Young Adult Mental health. We  aim to build a Collective (few passionate and active voices), with measurable year long commitment for-

  • Improving mental health literacy.
  •  Lower stigma and taboo.
  • Have informed conversations.
  • Safe spaces for open communication.
  • Cultivate Peer Support for Mental Health.
  •  Cultivate help seeking behaviour.

We do have initial action steps and a workable plan , but we are starting off and are happy to learn from your experience and work together towards achieving the above goals.

If this interests you we will be happy to take this conversation forward. You can reach out to us at lifesurfers.community@gmail.com and please fill the form. 

If you wish to host a training for your Organisation please get in touch.

LS Therapists Collective

As Counsellors and therapists, our training teaches us to maintain an objective distance from our clients. With COVID impacting all of us globally, we are in the unique position of shared trauma.
Therapists Collective, is an effort by a group of therapists, to nurture a safe space where we as peers can talk, listen and express how we feel about this unique situation. The group will be moderated and led by a Therapist .It is an opportunity to encourage and nurture a safe space for open dialogues.
Please fill this form to register and participate. Video link will be shared via email.

7:30pm-8:30pm ( We will meet at this scheduled time twice a month on Saturday)> [ Register through the form and we shall add you to the whatsapp group ]